City of Tacoma – RFB – Solid Fill Tires – PW20-0196F – Due 09/01/20
City of Tacoma – RFB – Solid Fill Tires – PW20-0196F
Due Date: September 1, 11 AM
Project Scope: The City of Tacoma (City) is soliciting bids to establish one or more contracts with qualified vendors to fulfill the City’s needs for solid fill loader tires on an as-needed basis for up to five years. Contract(s) will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) based on price, product quality and availability.
This product is used by Fleet Services shops located at 3639 South Pine Street Tacoma 98409 and 3510 S. Mullen Street Tacoma 98409.
Estimate: The estimated annual usage is $80,000, the estimate usage for the five year contract is $400,000. This is an estimated quantity only and does not guarantee a specific volume or dollar amount.