City of Tacoma – RFB – Tacoma Landfill – Decommission GETS and Gas Probes (Rebid) – ES21-0734F – Due 12/14/21
City of Tacoma – RFB – Tacoma Landfill – Decommission GETS and Gas Probes (Rebid) – ES21-0734F
Due Date: December 14, 11 AM
Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will be held at Commencement Bay Room #101, Center for Urban Waters, 326 East D Street, Tacoma, WA 98421 at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30, 2021.
Project Scope: This Project Statement of Work (SOW) pertains to decommissioning of 31 landfill gas monitoring probes, 38 groundwater monitoring wells, 1 landfill gas extraction well (CA-18), and 14 groundwater extraction wells (collectively herein termed installations; 84 total) that were installed to support the final remedy and are no longer required for PCC monitoring activities. Decommissioning of the installations falls under the regulatory authority of Ecology, and associated standards are specified in WAC 173-160, Minimum Standards for Construction and Maintenance of Wells (Minimum Standards). However, because the City Landfill portion of the Site remains under EPA’s regulatory authority, and to be consistent with requirements of the CD, the City submitted a decommissioning work plan to EPA for approval under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) authority for permit equivalency. The intention of the work plan is to meet the requirements outlined in WAC 173-160. The SOW also includes rehabilitation and modification of groundwater extraction well W-02R, as well as decommissioning the Landfill’s Groundwater Extraction and Treatment System (GETS) and connecting the system’s existing influent line to the existing discharge piping to the storm sewer. The need to treat GETS influent ceased after 1998, and untreated GETS influent has been discharged at the GETS Outfall to Leach Creek since 2003.
Estimate: $593,000
This bid is distributed by the City’s designated plan distributor, ARC Document Solutions, Inc. Please click here for more information