City of Tacoma – RFQ – Portland Avenue Freight and Access Improvements – PW21-0471F – Due 7/6/21

City of Tacoma – RFQ – Portland Avenue Freight and Access Improvements – PW21-0471F

Due Date: July 6, 11 AM
Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will not be held.
Project Scope: The work under this contract is to provide professional services for the traffic signal design work within the project area from Lincoln Avenue to E. 27th Street and the tie-in to the Portland Avenue interchange portion of WSDOT’s I-5 HOV project. Traffic signal design will include design of a new traffic signal at the SR-509 off ramp located on the Portland Avenue Bridge over active rail lines, as well as upgrades to three (3) existing signals to add interconnects at all four traffic signals, installation of ITS Fiber Optic, and a new mid-block pedestrian crossing with push button activation.
Estimate: $207,400

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