City of Tacoma – RFQ PW18-0007 – Engineering Consultant Services for Traffic Analysis for S Stevens/Tyler/66th Bike & Pedestrian Connector

City of Tacoma – RFQ PW18-0007 – Engineering Consultant Services for Traffic Analysis for S Stevens/Tyler/66th Bike & Pedestrian Connector

Due date: 01/30/2018 – 11:00 AM
Register for the Bid Holders List

Project Scope: The City of Tacoma, Public Works Department, Engineering Division, intends to procure a Consultant to provide traffic analysis and bicycle facility options for the South Stevens/Tyler/66th Bike and Pedestrian Connector. The services may include, but are not limited to, traffic analysis, developing alternatives, and public involvement.

Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will not be held.