Small business owners continue to navigate many challenges. Now more than ever, it is important to maximize your business’s pricing strategies to drive profit and help ensure sustainability. From gross margin per item (al a carte strategy) and quantity/size combinations (component pricing strategy) to the applicability in both product- and service-based businesses, every business owner can realize valuable takeaways from this innovative webinar.
Training Agenda:
- The two functions of price and their effects on customers
- The different pricing strategies and how to leverage those which work best for your business and industry
- How to increase revenue, maximize profit, and build customer loyalty through effective pricing strategies
To register, Click here and you will be redirected to Washington SBDC to complete your registration.
Shawn Palmer is the Business Advisor for the Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) located at OneRedmond. A decorated Navy veteran, accredited small business consultant (ASBC) and professional mentor; Palmer will share his expertise on pricing strategies based on his 21 years of entrepreneurial experience. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Central Washington University with his BS in Business Administration, and from WGU with his Masters in Management and Leadership.
A Zoom link for the webinar will be sent prior to the event to those who register.