King County – ITB C01277C18 – SW 108th Street at 8th Avenue SW – Due: 8/14/18
King County – ITB C01277C18 – SW 108th Street at 8th Avenue SW
Due date: August 14, 2018 1:30 PM
Scope of Work: This project provides for the improvement to the intersection of SW 108th Street and 8th Avenue SW in King County by clearing and grubbing; removing asphalt pavement; removing curb, gutter and sidewalk; grading; surfacing; installing a mini-roundabout; installing drainage improvements; constructing curb, gutter and sidewalk; hot mix asphalt preleveling and overlay; erosion control; installing precast curb; installing painted and plastic pavement marking, temporary traffic control, and other work, all in accordance with the attached Plans and Special Provisions, the Standard Specifications, the KCRDCS, and the APWA/WSDOT Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction.
See Specifications for full details
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