Port of Seattle – RFB – Employment Center Management and Workforce Development Services – 00320638 – Due 9/27/21
Port of Seattle – RFB – Employment Center Management and Workforce Development Services – 00320638
Due Date: September 27, 12 PM
Description: The Port is seeking eligible nonprofit corporations, and private and public entities to manage the Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA) Employment Center and to provide aviation sector related workforce development services. The Employment Center is a one-stop shop where individuals interested in working at the airport can find out about job openings within the airport and upskill training opportunities in aviation-related careers. The Employment Center is the primary recruiting source for SEA employers, providing businesses with a single point of contact for recruiting, interviewing, and hiring assistance.
Estimate: The estimated fee for this Agreement will fall in the range of $9M and $10.9M.
Pre-Proposal Conference: August 9, 2021, 1:00 PM PT