Port of Seattle – RFB – Widen Arrivals Bridge Demo – MC-032082 – Due 5/24/22
Port of Seattle – RFB – Widen Arrivals Bridge Demo – MC-032082
Due Date: May 24, 2 PM
Work includes: In preparation of the larger Widen Arrivals Roadway project, this project will demolish an existing bridge that connects the 4th floor of the main parking garage and the Departures Drives. Associated work includes a small amount of concrete barrier, asphalt paving, storm drainage and traffic control.
Estimate: The Engineer’s estimate range for this project is $900,000 – $1,800,000. The WMBE utilization goal is 12% for this contract.
Pre-Bid Meeting: will be conducted on April 28, 2022, 11:00 AM.