Port of Seattle – RFQ – Telecommunications Meet Me Room – MC-0319787 / WP #U00336 – Due 11/8/22019
Port of Seattle – RFQ – Telecommunications Meet Me Room – MC-0319787 / WP #U00336
Due Date: November 8, 2019 5:00 PM
Scope: The Telecommunications Meet Me Room (MMR) facility will provide approximately 1,200 square feet of space for telecommunications and internet service providers. The MMR will be provided with reliable power (normal and backup), provisions for future connection to the Airport’s Communications Infrastructure Backbone System (CIBS) via existing duct banks, HVAC to support computer and network equipment, environmental alarms, and site parking. Enhanced security features to be provided include access-controlled doors, surveillance cameras, and security fencing. The facility location is outside of the Security Identification Display Area (SIDA) on International Boulevard. The Port promotes equitable opportunities for all businesses to participate in the performance of the Port’s public works contracts. Prime Contractors, Subcontractors, and Suppliers must provide equal opportunity to all businesses while providing materials, supplies, and services for and to the Port. It is a priority for the Port to expand its efforts to increase WMBE participation in Port Contracts and develop tools to ensure that the WMBEs are afforded fair and equitable opportunity to compete for Port contracts and succeed as subcontractors. The Project will require the payment of prevailing wages pursuant to Washington State law.