PW# 2017-062 – RFB Kubota Garden Perimeter Wall

City of Seattle- PW# 2017-062 RFB – Kubota Garden Perimeter Wall

Due date: 12/06/2017 – 2:00 PM

Project Scope: Construction of approximately 285 lineal feet of new perimeter wall on existing concrete footings, and approximately 42 lineal feet of new perimeter wall and new concrete footings. Construction of associated roof structure related to the new perimeter wall. Construction of approximately 22 lineal feet of new wood fencing. Installation of stone pavers provided by owner. Installation of after-hours exit gate and vehicular sliding gate provided by owner. Modifications to the existing After-Hours Gate opening and roof structure. Site restoration.

Pre-Proposal Meeting: There is an optional pre-bid (site inspection/meeting) for this project. All those that wish to bid on the project are encouraged to attend. The first pre-bid meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 9:00 am. The second pre-bid site meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Novemer 21, 2017 at 3:00 pm. Please meet at 9817 55th Ave S., Seattle, WA.