City of Tacoma – RFB – SWM Expanded Polystyrene Densifier ES24-0213N – Due 1/29/25

Due Date: January 29, 11 AM

Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:00AM Wednesday January 22nd, 2025 in the Cascades conference room in the Administrative Building at the Tacoma Recovery and Transfer Center,
3510 S Mullen Street, Tacoma, WA 98409. A tour of the existing Expanded Polystyrene Densifier building will follow the meeting. Interested Bidders are encouraged to attend. High visibly vests are required.

Project Scope: The Work generally consists of removing and replacing the existing Expanded Polystyrene Densifier equipment at the Recycle Center located at the City of Tacoma Recovery and Transfer Center. This includes removing and disposing of existing equipment, control panels, conduit, and wire; procuring and installing the new EPS equipment and control panel; performing a Tacoma Power permitted electrical installation; equipment startup, commissioning, and Owner training.

Estimate: $125,000.00

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