2. December 15, 10 AM – 11 AM | Zoom Meeting
About this event
The Links to Opportunity project will enhance the corridor along Sound Transit’s Hilltop Tacoma LINK extension route to increase accessibility and safety for residents and businesses. The scope of the improvements includes varying sidewalk color and designs, pedestrian lighting, street furniture, wayfinding signage, bicycle facilities, local art, granite inscriptions and poetry, street trees, and landscaping.
The project serves one of Tacoma’s oldest historically Black neighborhoods and business districts, and the design was informed by nearly two years of grassroots outreach to the Hilltop community. Downtown: On the Go!, Hilltop Action Coalition, and Tacoma Housing Authority all assisted in the outreach effort. The final design is informed and defined by the community that it will serve and will honor the history of the corridor.
Learn more about the project here (Project Webpage).
This project is divided into five bid packages, including the following scopes: preparation & grading, drainage & storm sewer, paving and traffic, illumination, erosion control & roadside planting, and more.