City of Tacoma – PW18-0071F RFB – Yakima Streetscape
City of Tacoma – PW18-0071F RFB – Yakima Streetscape
Due date: 03/20/2018 – 11:00 AM
This bid is distributed by the City’s designated plan distributor, ARC Document Solutions, Inc. Please click here more information.
Project Scope: This contract shall generally consist of the removal and replacement of curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, and the existing roadway into a concrete panel road on Yakima Avenue between S. 38th and S. 39th Streets. Inclusive of this work is the abandonment and replacement of stormwater main and catch basins; removal and replacement of water main; ADA curb ramps; removal of asphalt and replaced with an 8” thick roadway at Yakima Avenue; landscaping; and channelization. There are two Alternates and one Additive associated with this bid. This is a calendar day contract.
Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will be held on March 6, 2018, 2:30pm at the Lincoln Project Office, 750-C S. 38th Street, Tacoma.