City of Tacoma – RFB – 2020 Peterman Hill Trail Maintenance – PG20-0096N – Due 3/16/2020
City of Tacoma – RFB – 2020 Peterman Hill Trail Maintenance – PG20-0096N
Due Date: March 16, 2020
Scope: This work will consist of removing trees, logs, limbs, branches, brush, plants, and other vegetation from within the clearing limits, removal and disposal of trip hazards (i.e. loose rock , exposed rocks and roots) from the trail tread, repairing the trail tread where damaged (i.e. animal burrows, erosion, slides, water damage and etc.). The work includes removal and disposal of organic detritus and berms that have accumulated on or along the trail as well as maintaining existing switchbacks. This work also includes cleaning culverts, waterbars, drainage dips, ditches, and stream fords; directing water from the trail where washing of the trailbed is or has been occurring; and draining low spots in the trailbed that tend to hold water.