Port of Seattle – RFB – Regulated Material Abatement (RMM) On-Call Portwide 2022-2 and 2022-3 – Due 9/13/22
Due Date: September 13, 12 AM
Description: The Port of Seattle is seeking bids from qualified firms to provide on-call regulated material management services. The Work includes but is not limited to the following: Removal, abatement, cleanup, encapsulation and other methods of managing regulated materials; saw cutting and core drilling into regulated materials, and the removal of regulated materials during and after such activities.
Regulated materials include but are not limited to asbestos, lead containing paint, PCB caulking, PCB and non-PCB light ballasts, and mold and other biological hazards.
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to perform the work as requested by the Port of Seattle via a Work Authorization. All Contractor labor shall be provided as defined by the labor classifications per the Schedule of Unit Prices listed in Document 00 41 00 – Bid Form.
Pre-Bid Meeting: A Pre-bid meeting will be held September 6, 2022, at 11:00 am, via Microsoft Teams Meeting or via telephone.