Are You Ready to Export?
Join us this week for a conversation with the Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA). WUSATA is a nonprofit funded primarily through the USDA’s Market Access Program that creates opportunities by helping western food and agricultural companies grow internationally through export education resources, business development services, and financial support. The webinar will include information on how you can receive 50% reimbursement for international marketing costs, meet foreign buyers, and explore new markets. Whether your company is new to exporting or is looking to expand to new markets, WUSATA’s resources will help you dramatically increase your reach and revenue. Get connected today and watch your company learn, connect, and compete in international markets!
Kelsey Anderson, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, will be speaking about the Export Education and Global Connect Programs. In her role at WUSATA, Kelsey helps participants learn about WUSATA’s resources and upcoming buyer opportunities.
Diana Buswell, FundMatch Liaison, has been with WUSATA for 9 years and has become an expert in the FundMatch program. Last year, Diana moved into the role of FundMatch Liaison where her time is devoted to helping participants learn the ins and outs of the program, including the application process, eligible and ineligible expenses, submitting claims, and more!