City of Seattle – RFB – East Montlake PS and FM Upgrade – 2019-051 – Due 12/18/2019

City of Seattle – RFB – East Montlake PS and FM Upgrade – 2019-051

Due Date: December 18, 2019 2:00 PM

Estimate: Sch 1+2:$2,855,000 Sch 1+3: $2,650,000

1. Improvements to the Pump Station, including:
a. Replace two existing pumps,
b. Replace existing mechanical piping and fittings,
c. Replace existing valves inside the pump station,
d. Replace existing inflow maintenance hole,
e. Upgrade existing electrical and SCADA systems,
f. Upgrade ventilation system,
g. Abate lead-containing paint from the dry well,
h. Install new painting and coating in the dry well,
i. Complete minor structural modifications,
j. Install new bypass vault, and
k. Other improvements as indicated

2. Abandon-in-place the existing 8-inch diameter force main and replace it with a new 12-
inch diameter force main, either by open cut installation or horizontal directional drilling
installation methods, and connect to the existing gravity sewer pipe.

3. Right-of-way pavement restoration and improvements as necessary.

4. Installation of cured in place pipe liner in the existing 12-inch diameter gravity sewer
main, which terminates in the 114-inch diameter King County tunnel.

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