City of Seattle – RFP – Department of Transportation Technology Plan – 19-071 – Due 12/17/2019

City of Seattle – RFP – Department of Transportation Technology Plan – 19-071

Due Date: December 17, 2019 4:00 PM

Estimate: $375K

The scope of this initiative consists of three primary phases, as outlined in this section, with additional details of the scope/objectives included in Section 3 (Solicitation Objectives). The three phases, and their relationship to the overall project schedule are as follows:

  • Phase 1: Inventory of current technology systems, services and capabilities used by SDOT
    • Visioning Work Session (Outlined in Section 2) within 1 week from NTP.
    • Draft deliverable provided within 3 weeks from NTP.
    • Final/approved deliverable within 6 weeks from NTP.
  • Phase 2: Recommended future state of technology systems, services and capabilities required by SDOT
    • First draft deliverable provided within 8 weeks from NTP.
    • Second draft deliverable provided within 12 weeks from NTP.
    • Final/approved deliverable within 15 weeks from NTP.
  • Phase 3: Roadmap to achieve desired future state via a comprehensive Transportation Technology Plan
    • First draft of TTP delivered within 18 weeks from NTP.
    • Second draft of TTP delivered within 22 weeks from NTP.
    • Final/approved deliverable (TTP) within 26 weeks (6 months) from NTP.

For More Information Click Here