City of Seattle – RFQ – 80th Street and 85th Street ITS Corridors (FHWA) – 23-022QP – Due 7/17/23
Due Date: July 17, 3 PM
Description: The City of Seattle, through Seattle Department of Transportation, requests Statements of Qualifications from qualified firms for the 80th Street and 85th Street Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Corridor project to design and build traffic management systems to reduce congestion and delay on a corridor in north Seattle on the east-west cross streets of NW 80th and NW 85th Streets as well as a portion of Greenwood Ave N adjacent to the 80th and 85th corridors.
Estimate: This contract is estimated to be up to $745,000 with the time of performance expected to be between September 2023 and September 2026. This project is anticipated to be federally funded in part through FHWA.
Pre-submittal Meeting: An online Pre-submittal Conference is planned for June 29, 2023.