City of Seattle – RFQ – On-Call Construction Management Support Services – 19-139-S – Due 1/15/2020
City of Seattle – RFQ – On-Call Construction Management Support Services – 19-139-S
Due Date: January 15, 2020 2:00 PM
Estimate: $5,000,000
Description: The City of Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is requesting qualifications from qualified consultants who can provide construction management support services on an on-call, as needed basis during peak workload for various programs and projects. Services expected to be performed may include construction management services, quality assurance construction inspection, and constructability reviews.
Consultant teams on this contract will act as Resident Engineers and assist SPU Resident Engineers while out in the field during Construction for SPU’s Construction Management Division (CMD). Support will be expected on both Capital Improvement Projects and Non-Capital Improvement Projects. The majority of this work will address the unpredictable and sporadic nature of construction work and will also serve as a gap measure when staff are out of the office for long durations.
SPU will select up to five (5) Consultant teams and issue contract(s) based upon qualifications received for the services requested. Work Assignments that define the work being requested will be issued to a selected Consultant who will be expected to meet with SPU’s Contract Manager to negotiate the level of effort, schedule and not-to-exceed fee based on pre-approved Consultant billing rates. The estimated combined total value for all Work Assignments under the executed contracts is $5,000,000 for a period of five (5) years.