City of Seattle – RFQ – On-Call Disaster Debris Monitoring Services – 19-112-S – Due Date: 1/7/2020
City of Seattle – RFQ – On-Call Disaster Debris Monitoring Services – 19-112-S
Due Date: January 7, 2020 3:00 PM
Estimate: $2,000,000
Description: Seattle Public Utilities is seeking to award one on-call contract to a Consultant Team with expertise in disaster debris monitoring and waste processing to supplement and coordinate closely with the City of Seattle Debris Recovery Operation Management Team in the event of an emergency. When a disaster event occurs that produces large amounts of debris the Consultant Team will monitor debris sites and provide effective coordination with the State and FEMA to ensure that debris removal operations are efficient, effective and eligible for FEMA Public Assistance grant funding.
The on-call contract will be for a not to exceed amount of 2 mil for a five-year term limit. There is no guarantee of work. The performance schedules for individual projects and delivery dates for deliverables will be detailed in Work Assignments authorized under the on-call contract.