City of Tacoma – PG17-0424N -Peterman Hill Trail – Phase 2

City of Tacoma – RFB PG17-0424N – Peterman Hill Trail – Phase 2

Due date: 03/01/2018 – 11:00 AM
Register for the Bid Holders List

Project Scope: This project includes furnishing of all labor, equipment and materials required to construct approximately 10 miles of new trail adjacent to the existing first phase of the Peterman Hill Trail as shown on the attached drawings and as described in these specifications. The first phase of trail was completed in 2006. The new Phase two (2) trail is intended for hiking, biking and horseback riding

Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-bid meeting will be held at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Cowlitz Wildlife Area Office, 110 Main Avenue, Morton, WA 98356 on Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Please confirm your attendance with Ms. Samol Hefley at 253-502-8249.

If you are unable to attend this meeting, please call the SBE (Small Business Enterprise) Office at 253-591-5224 and/or the LEAP (Local Employment and Apprenticeship Program), at 253-591-5826, for instructions in filling out the SBE/LEAP forms (if applicable) or for questions concerning these requirements.