City of Tacoma – PW18-0049F RFB – Streets Initiative Package #11

City of Tacoma – PW18-0049F RFB – Streets Initiative Package #11

Due date: 04/10/2018 – 11:00 AM

This bid is distributed by the City’s designated plan distributor, ARC Document Solutions, Inc. Please click here more information.

Project Scope: : This Contract shall generally consist of removal of damaged concrete panels, within the City of Tacoma, on various streets, repairing subgrade as field determined, and replacing existing concrete road panels with new panels matching the existing depths (generally 6-8”), and replacing necessary curb ramps in accordance with the Specifications and Appendices to the Special Provisions.

Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will be held on March 29th, 2018, 3:00pm at Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market St., Tacoma, Room 220-A.