City of Tacoma – PW18-0072F RFQ – Lister Elementary and First Creek Middle School Safe Routes to School Design

City of Tacoma – PE18-0016F RFP – Lister Elementary & First Creek Middle School Safe Routes to School Design

Due date: 03/13/2018 – 11:00 AM
Register for the Bid Holders List

Project Scope:

Lister Elementary
Design services for installation curb ramps, curb extensions, crosswalk signage and marking, parking signage, flashing beacons. The location of infrastructure improvements is on East 44th Street at East T Street and Everett Avenue.

First Creek Middle School
Design services for installation of a HAWK signal and beacons, crosswalk signage and markings, and
sidewalk improvements. The location of infrastructure improvement is on Portland Avenue at East 52nd

Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will not be held.