City of Tacoma – RFB PF18-0275F – Exterior/Interior High Cleaning for the Greater Tacoma Convention Center (GTCC) – Due: 8/28/18
City of Tacoma – RFB PF18-0275F – Exterior/Interior High Cleaning for the Greater Tacoma Convention Center (GTCC)
Due date: August 28, 2018 11 AM
Project Scope: Provide Exterior/Interior Window Washing, TPO Roof Cleaning, High Metal Siding Cleaning, and Exterior Metal Screen Cleaning for the Greater Tacoma Convention Center.
Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, 1500 Broadway Street, Tacoma, WA 98402. All interested bidders shall meet in front of the building. All bidders are encouraged to attend.
Estimate: 225,000.00 (four (4) year contract term)
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