City of Tacoma – RFB PW18-0408F – Ruston Way Seawall and Sidewalk Replacement – Due 11/13/2018
City of Tacoma – RFB PW18-0408F – Ruston Seawall and Sidewalk Replacement
Due Date: November 13, 2018 11:00 AM
Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m., Monday, November 5, 2018, Room 148, Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market Street. The purpose of this pre-bid meeting is to answer questions regarding the Small Business Enterprise Program (SBE) and Local Employment. Prospective bidders are urged to attend.
Project Scope: This Contract shall generally consist of building a shoreline revetment with boulders, riprap and quarry spalls in accordance with the Plans. Associated with this work is removal of structure and obstruction, and protection or replacement of existing sidewalk. This project will also remove and replace 50 linear feet of sidewalk at one location along the north side of Ruston Way as shown per plan. This project also includes removing and replacing one tree. The sidewalk and tree work is bid as one lump sum in accordance with the Contract. Therefore, the bid proposal includes the lump sum payment item “Project Lump Sum”. Note that “Project Lump Sum” includes other quantities as specified in these special provisions, including clearing and grubbing, watering, tree removal, sidewalk removal, excavation, subgrade preparation, crushed surfacing, erosion control and water pollution control, roadside restoration, and compliance with Special Provision 2-17 (Control and Management of Contaminated Materials in Tacoma Smelter Plume).
Estimate: $180,000 to $190,000.
This bid is distributed by the City’s designated plan distributor, ARC Document Solutions, Inc.
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