City of Tacoma – RFP – Investment Advisory Services FI24-0205F – Due 9/24/24

Due Date: September 24, 11 AM

Pre-Proposal Meeting: No pre-proposal meeting will be held; however, questions and request for clarifications of the specifications may be submitted as stated in the inquiries section.

Scope of Work: It is the City’s intent to select a firm based on qualifications and abilities of the firm and key project individuals. The scope of services provided by the selected firm will include:

• Provide non-discretionary advisory services for the City’s investment portfolio (this may include all or a portion of the portfolio)

• Develop investment strategies which manage risk while enhancing portfolio performance and/or quality

• Provide assistance in the development and implementation of investment strategies designed to maintain or enhance portfolio quality and performance within the parameters of the City’s investment policy and cash flow needs

• Assure availability in person, by telephone or email for consultation, advice, or strategic direction related to management of the portfolio

• Meet with and provide information to the City Treasurer, City Council, and Government Performance and Finance Committee as needed or requested o This support will require occasional in-person travel to the City of Tacoma. Travel costs will not be reimbursed.

• Assure portfolio compliance with applicable federal laws, laws of the State of Washington, and the City’s investment policy

• Provide detailed and comprehensive monthly, quarterly, and annual reports which include, at a minimum the following information (firms with real-time data dashboards available in their portals will receive higher scoring than firms with less frequently udpata data):

o A listing of assets detailing for each security: asset category, issuer, interest rate, par value, cost, book value, and accurate and complete market value

o All investment activity for the period

o Average maturity and modified duration of the portfolio

o Maturity distribution of the portfolio

o Credit quality

o Time weighted total rate of return for the month, quarter, annual, year-to-date, and since inception, compared against the City’s performance benchmark(s) for the same periods of performance

o Statement of compliance with the City’s investment policy

• Provide, on a weekly basis, information regarding cash flows from maturities, coupon payments and called securities

• Assist in the review of the City’s investment policy and recommend revisions, as appropriate, to comply with national and state best practices

• Perform due diligence reviews of current and proposed broker/dealers and other financial institutions with which the City transacts investment business

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