City of Tacoma – RFP – Vision Zero Road Safety Audits – PW23-0277F – Due 1/2/24
Due Date: January 2, 11 AM
Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will not be held.
Project Scope: It is the City’s intent to select a consultant based on qualifications and abilities of the firm and key project individuals. The consultant(s) will – consistent with the latest version of the Federal Highway Administration Road Safety Audit (RSA) Guidelines and Prompt Lists and best practices – perform examinations of user safety on existing roadways through a multidisciplinary team of qualified and experienced participants. Working through this process will allow the City to analyze data and identify recommended countermeasures to improve the safety for all road users. Deliverables will consist of three technical memos, one for each RSA, and a final combined report of all three RSA locations – documenting the purpose, methodology, findings and recommendation matrix with a range of projects.
Estimate: $90,000 with two one year possible renewals each for $100,000 for a total of $290,000.