City of Tacoma – RFQ – Pacific Ave. (SR 7) Corridor – Intersection Signal Improvements – PW19-0089F – Due 6/11/2019

City of Tacoma – RFQ – Pacific Ave. (SR 7) Corridor – Intersection Signal Improvements – PW19-0089F

Due Date: June 11, 2019 11:00 AM

Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will not be held.

Project Scope: The consultant will conduct various signal timing analyses using the SYNCHRO software program. They will estimate signal timing information, including cycle lengths, splits, phase sequences, and offsets for signalized intersections along Pacific Avenue (SR 7) to maximize arterial progression and reduce delays. Different traffic flow conditions will be analyzed, and timing plans developed accordingly. The optimization will include the analysis of progression based on optimum phase sequences to provide the best arterial progression. The City of Tacoma will provide the existing SYNCHRO Model to conduct signal timing analyses. The consultant will work closely with City staff to implement a new signal timing plan and ensure the desired level of service is achieved.

Estimate: $40,000 to $60,000

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