City of Taocoma – RFB – Tacoma’s Trail to Transit Connector – PW20-0245N – Due 09/03/20

City of Taocoma – RFB – Tacoma’s Trail to Transit Connector – PW20-0245N

Due Date: September 3, 11 AM
Pre-Proposal Meeting:
A pre-proposal meeting will not be held.
Project Scope: This contract shall generally consist of furnishing, installing, and/or removing pavement markings on concrete and asphalt surfaces of varying quality as described in these contract specifications, including but not limited to marking of centerlines, lane lines, turn lanes, bike lanes/buffers, parking lines, wide lines, turn arrow markings, stop lines, crosswalks, and symbols/legends. The majority of the work entails the removal of existing striping elements and replacing with new striping/marking elements at same and/or different positions/extents based on the provided channelization plans and these contract specifications. The extent of the work area pertains to two areas: 1) Mildred Street from North 9th Street to approximately 300 feet south of South 12th Street, inclusive; and 2) South 15th Street from approximately 100 feet west of Fawcett Avenue to Hood Street, inclusive, and portions of roadways connecting the intersection of South 15th Street/Hood Street to Pacific Avenue at South 14th Street.
Estimate: $167,500

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