PCL Construction Services – RFB – SeaTac International Airport Restroom Renovation Phase 4-FAA Phase 2 – Due 05/19/21
PCL Construction Services – RFB – SeaTac International Airport Restroom Renovation Phase 4-FAA Phase 2
Due Date: May 19, 2PM
PCL encourages bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority, Women-Owned, Veteran, Disabled Veteran, Disadvantage Business Enterprises, and Small Business Enterprise firms for all scopes of work, portions thereof, or combinations thereof. If you require assistance regarding scopes of work, contracts, plans and specifications, pre-qualification, insurance, bonding, SDI, equipment, materials, and related services, please contact our office.
DBE requirements 2%.
Description of Work: This phase will renovate 3 restroom sets (men’s and women’s) and build 4 new restrooms. This work includes adding mechanical chases, and family restrooms, enlarging two hold room spaces, relocating (building a new) customer service counter and relocating an office space to make room for the restrooms. The project will modify the HVAC system and improve air circulation. The project will be adding purple pipe to facilitate a later project to use reclaimed water. New LED lighting and new facades will improve the look and feel of the restrooms. This is a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) project.
Scopes of work: Construction cleaning, demolition, reinforcing, steel, decorative metal fabrications, millwork, manufactured stone, traffic coatings, roofing, expansion joint assemblies, doors, drywall, painting, tile, terrazzo, painting, fire protection, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical.