Port of Seattle – RFB – Electrical Assessments and Maintenance Maritime 2024 Unit Price – MC-0321466/MC-0321744 – Due 1/5/24
Due Date: January 5, 2 PM
Description: The Port of Seattle (Port) is anticipating a large demand for electrical Assessments and Maintenance at our Maritime Facilities in the next few years. The Port intends to award two (2) contracts from this solicitation to enable us to quickly execute the work and to ensure enough capacity by having two (2) different contractors available. The contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders. However, the Port reserves the right to award only one contract to the lowest bidder or to cancel the solicitation.
Each Contractor or Subcontractor performing as a National Electrical Testing Association (NETA) or National institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) Certified Technician must maintain a current NETA/NICET license and certification, a copy of which must be provided as a preconstruction submittal, as per Section 01 32 19.
Subcontractors performing as a NETA/NICET Certified Technician will be paid the submitted bid Unit Rate for NETA/NICET Certified Technician and are not subject to Subcontractor bid mark-up.
Electrical work includes but is not limited to work necessary to maintain a reliable distribution system, repairing, rebuilding and reset electrical breakers, provide preventative maintenance service and testing per the latest addition of the NETA, maintenance and test equipment, provide maintenance service and testing of medium voltage and low voltage equipment, and grounding in accordance with NETA standards and all requirements of the code-enforcing agencies. See section 01 11 00 Summary of Work for Contractor/Subcontractor Qualifications, Equipment, Materials and Parts, Testing and Reporting, Additional Requirements, and a further Description of Work.
Estimate: The contracts will be awarded for an estimated amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00, not
including Washington State Sales Tax.