Port of Seattle – RFP – Testing and Special Inspection Services IDIQ – 00320555 – Due 3/29/21
Port of Seattle – RFP – Testing and Special Inspection Services IDIQ – 00320555
Due Date: March 29, 12 PM
Description: The types of services required under this contract will include material testing, inspection and investigative services in the lab and/or on site in support of the Port’s Aviation and Maritime Divisions, Real Estate and Marine Maintenance projects. Most work will be performed on the Non-Movement areas of the airport, with the possibility of needing to perform work in the Aircraft Movement Area (AMA). Using the typical testing methods and standards for major construction processes, as identified in contract specifications and project permits, Consultant may be asked to perform the following testing: geotechnical, soils, concrete work, reinforcing steel, anchorages, asphalt, embedment, fireproofing, floor flatness, grout, lateral wood, load testing, masonry, NREC, paint, post tensioning, pull testing, roofing, seismic, shotcrete, structural steel, welding, suspended floors and ceilings and waterproofing.
Estimate: The PORT intends on issuing multiple Agreements as a result of this solicitation. It is intended that three (3) contracts will be awarded. The first contract will be awarded to the highest ranked firm, valued at $800,000. The second and third contracts will be awarded to the second ranked firm and third ranked firm, respectively, each valued at $600,000. The duration of these Agreements is 5 Years, which includes the initial period of performance plus the options to extend.
Pre-Proposal Conference: The PORT does not intend to conduct a Pre-Proposal Conference. Firms are encouraged to submit questions regarding the solicitation as directed in Section IV above. The Port will provide answers via Questions and Answers (Q&A) addendum, which will be posted in the VendorConnect solicitation page within one (1) week after the questions deadline.