Port of Tacoma – WUT Intermodal Yard Paving – Due: 8/30/18
Port of Tacoma – WUT Intermodal Yard Paving
Pre-Bid Due: August 23, 2018 12 PM
Bids Due: August 30, 2018 2 PM
Project Summary: The work required for this project includes: Grinding and replacement of asphalt pavement. Grinding will be done by mechanical grinders to a nominal depth of 3″ including correction of low spots, and replacement of asphalt pavement. A second component of work includes the placement of concrete collars around utility basin lids. This effort will include saw cutting and the removal of the existing asphalt pavement, forming and placing of the reinforced concrete collar and replacement of asphalt pavement around the collar.
Estimated Cost Range: $800,000 to $1,000,000
Click here for more information and project documents.