Surge Tacoma – RFB – Tacoma Old City Hall Renovation Phase 1 – Due 6/30/21
Surge Tacoma – RFB – Tacoma Old City Hall Renovation Phase 1
Due Date: June 30th
Description: The Old City Hall Renovation project is a locally planned and executed project centering around the restoration of Old City Hall at 625 Commerce. Landmark Restoration, the contracting arm of SURGE Tacoma, will be renovating the existing building into a mixed use facility to be completed in 2 phases:
• Phase I: 100% of seismic strengthening will be completed, required exterior life safety improvements will be completed, as well as approximately 60% of interior build-out.
• Phase II: the remaining approximately 40% of interior build-out will be completed as well as any remaining exterior masonry work/other specialty work.
Scopes of Work:
- Electrical
- Fire Protection Systems
- Seismic Steel
- Plumbing