Port of Seattle – RFP – Salesforce Technical Services IDIQ – 00320887 – Due 2/4/22
Port of Seattle – RFP – Salesforce Technical Services IDIQ – 00320887
Due Date: February 4, 12 PM
Description: The Port of Seattle (PORT) expects to partner with a firm to assist in accomplishing a wide range of projects over the next five years on the Port’s Salesforce platform recently implemented in the last two years. The Port’s platform currently is comprised of Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Social Studio, and Digital Engagement but other Salesforce modules will be considered over the next five years such as Sales Cloud. The product is used by several Port organizations for a variety of processes including Aviation Customer Service, External Relations, and our Commission Office. The Port also expect to expand the usage of the platform over the next several years to other organizations within the Port.
Estimate: The fee for this Agreement is not to exceed (NTE) $2,000,000 for the duration of the Agreement
(this includes the initial period of performance plus the options to extend).
Pre-Proposal Conference: January 19, 2022, 3:00 PM PT via Teams