Port of Seattle – RFB – Widen Arrivals Roadway – MC-0320880 – Due 6/13/23
Due Date: June 13, 2 PM
Description: The Widen Arrivals Roadways project includes the widening of the southbound lanes of the Northern Airport Expressway to provide an additional two lanes for a total of six lanes from S 170th St into the Departures and Arrivals curbsides and Main Garage. This requires the relocation and expansion of the roadways to the west given the location of the columns supporting the Light Rail Transit guideway. The project will include several retaining walls, major utility relocations, excavation, fill, grading, asphalt paving, concrete paving, drainage, sign bridges, signage, concrete barrier and striping. In addition to the improvements described above, the project will relocate the north rental car bus curb further north and construct a new canopy. This contract has a Project Labor Agreement (PLA).
Engineer’s estimate range for this project: $30,000,000 – $60,000,000.