Trench Line Excavation – RFB – SW Towle (12 – 275) Wastewater Reimbursement District (City of Gresham) – Due 6/7/23
Due Date: June 7, 4 PM
Description: Trench Line Excavation, Inc. is seeking quotes. The character of the work is to install an 8-inch wastewater main line with 4-inch and 6-inch wastewater laterals. The major quantities of work involved in this project are:
400 LF 8” PVC Wastewater Pipe
84 LF 4” PVC Wastewater Lateral
46 LF 6” PVC Wastewater Lateral
80 TON AC Pavement Trench Replacement – 5”
depth, Level 2, 1⁄2” dense graded.
700 SY 2” AC Grind and Inlay
The project completion date is SEPTEMBER 30, 2023.
Engineer’s Estimate: $300,000 to $350,000.