WSDOT – New WSDOT Contract Opportunities

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)

March 31, 2025:

An updated call for bids with new contract opportunities have been posted.

To order Plans and Specifications for any of these projects, please visit our online order page.

Design-Build Projects – Advertisement Information:

Contract 9634 – I-5, E Fork Lewis River Bridge NB – Replace Bridge proposals due Thursday, 12/4/2025

Contract XE3518 – SR 18, Issaquah Hobart Rd to Deep Creek Vicinity – Widening & Fiber SOQ due 6/3/2025

Contract XE3431 – SR 167, I-5 to SR 161 – New Expressway Project Proposal submittal deadline 4/1/2025

City of Tacoma – RFB – Pest Control Services CT24-0219N – Due 4/2/25

Due Date: April 2, 11 AM

Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will not be held.

Project Scope: On-call pest control services at City of Tacoma facilities both within the Tacoma Public Utility service area and at remote locations.

Project Estimate: $300,000

Click here for more information

City of Tacoma – RFB – 2025 GRW Culvert Improvements TW25-0009N – Due 4/4/25

Due Date: April 4, 11 AM

Pre-Proposal Meeting: March 21, 9 AM

Description: The City of Tacoma (City) / Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) is soliciting bids to establish one or
more contracts with qualified vendors to fulfill the City’s needs for forest road culvert improvement
installations. Contract(s) will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) based on price,
product quality and availability.

Estimate: $88,000

Click here for more information

Port of Seattle – Financial Services Consulting IDIQ 00322284 – Due 4/7/25

Due Date: April 7, 12 PM

Estimated Project Fee: The PORT intends on issuing multiple Agreements as a result of this solicitation. It is intended that two (2) contracts will be awarded. The first contract will be awarded to the highest ranked firm, valued
at $3,000,000. The second contract will be awarded to the second ranked firm, valued at $1,500,000. The PORT does not guarantee any minimum quantity of work under these contracts. Work will be ordered on an as-required basis through Service Directives for the duration of the Agreement.

Description: The Port of Seattle (Port) invites the submittals from qualified firms, or teams of firms, interested in providing financial consulting services to the Port. Financial consulting services cover both transaction-specific and general ongoing financial consulting services, as outlined in more detail in the Scope of Work as follows:

1. Prepare feasibility reports to support Port bond issuances (relating to the airport);
2. Financial benchmarking of other airports for measures such as current and future rate and passenger airline cost per enplanement (CPE) comparisons;
3. Assess affordability of future capital projects and programs based on comparisons to other ports and airports and other financial metrics;
4. Evaluate funding options and financial implications for Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) projects including potential Private-Public Partnership (P3) options;
5. Assist with future Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) application and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant strategy;
6. Assist with airline lease agreement provisions, negotiation and strategy; and
7. Financial management consulting services.

Click here for more information

City of Tacoma – RFB – Tacoma Dome Kitchen Heat Pump Replacement (Rebid) PF25-0075N – Due 4/16/25

Due Date: April 16, 11 AM

Project Scope: Tacoma Dome Kitchen Heat Pump Replacement

Estimate: $55,000

Click here for more information

City of Tacoma – RFB – Security Doors, Frames, Hardware, and Install Services (Rebid) PS25-0053N – Due 4/18/25

Due Date: April 18, 11 AM

Project Scope: Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) is soliciting bids to establish one or more contracts with qualified vendors to fulfill the City’s needs for Security Doors, Frames, Hardware, and Install Services. Contract(s) will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) based on price, product quality and availability.

Estimate: $350,000

Click here for more information

City of Tacoma – RFB – 8 Mile Pit Development TW25-0046N – Due 5/2/25

Due Date: May 2, 11 AM

Pre-Proposal Meeting: A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 36525 SE Green River Headworks Road, Ravensdale, WA 98051 on April 4, 2025 at 9:00 AM at Tacoma Water’s Headworks Office. Please see Appendix B for Watershed Access Requirements for attending Pre-bid meeting.

Project Scope: The purpose of this Request for Bid is to seek qualified Contractors who can provide rock drilling and blasting services. Contract(s) will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) based on price, product quality and availability.

Estimate: $100,000

Click here for more information

Tacoma Power – RFQ – Electrical Contractors – Prequalification – Continuous

Description: Electrical contractors or subcontractors interested in bidding on utility type work for Tacoma Power must be prequalified at the time the bid solicitation is advertised. State law also requires that prequalified contractors annually update their prequalification questionnaire. We are currently in the process of establishing the prequalification list valid for the year 2024.

Prequalification may be established any time within the calendar year. Consistent with State law (Revised Code of Washington 35.92.350), the prequalification status of electrical contractors must be confirmed before we can provide bid submittal forms to parties interested in bidding on electrical work. The City of Tacoma’s solicitation for bids will identify the contractors prequalified to perform the electrical work listed for the project. There is no fee to prequalify.

Tacoma Power will review applications to determine if the contractor has met the prequalification requirements.

Click here for more information